Divine Champion

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Divine Champion

Divine champions are mighty warriors who dedicate themselves to their deity’s cause, defending holy ground, destroying enemies of the church, and slaying mythical beasts and clerics of opposed faiths. For deities that do not count paladins among their followers, divine champions fill the role of the church-sponsored warrior.

Most divine champions come from a combat or military background. Barbarians, fighters, monks, and rangers are the most common divine champions, but some of the more militant clerics and druids decide to become divine champions. Bards, rogues, sorcerers, and wizards rarely become divine champions unless they are particularly devout and skilled in warfare.

On Arkaz, Divine Champions are often found in the ranks of the followers of the god of battle, Braellis, although they may be found in other faiths as well. Although Olyrn and Valshar both have holy warriors present in their ranks, they have specialized classes to represent their most holy followers, rather then Divine Champion.

  • Hit Dice: d10
  • Proficiencies: No additional proficiencies are gained
  • Skill Points: 2 + Int. Modifier

Class Skills: Craft armor, Craft trap, Craft weapon, Discipline, Heal, Lore, Parry, Ride, Spot

Criteria Needed To Qualify

  • Alignment: Must match Patron Deity
  • Base Attack Bonus: +7
  • Skills: Lore 5 ranks
  • Feats: Weapon Focus in the deity’s favored weapon.
  • Patron: A divine champion must have a patron deity (must be a devoted follower), and it must be the deity of which she is a champion

Divine Champion Special Abilities

  • Level 1 Lay on Hands|Lay on hands
  • Level 2 Bonus feat, Sacred defense
  • Level 3 Smite Infidel 1/day
  • Level 4 Bonus feat, Sacred defense
  • Level 5 Divine wrath

Divine Champion Epic Abilities

  • As a five-level class, the Divine Champion does not have epic levels.

Ex-Divine Champions

  • In order to play this class, the character must follow the tenants of their patron's beliefs and code of conduct. The character is expected to be a holy warrior of their patron and stepping outside of these bounds will force an atonement issue or a loss of all class abilities. Divine Champions are expected to understand their Patron's beliefs and embody those ideals.