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Inventory Size

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:54 am
by ForsakenPlague
Up till now, we've been fairly lax as to how many items you can have in your character's inventory. Inventories in excess of five hundred items(and even those with three or four hundred) can cause problems. These problems include general lag, lag upon logging into the server, killing the server upon hitting the death plane, etc.

Please keep it to 500 items or below, at the very least during DM events. People in excess of 500 will get a poke from me. Please don't make me poke.


Re: Inventory Size

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 1:32 am
by terror2001

Re: Inventory Size

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:06 pm
by orvarg
i know i'm one of the worst offeders of this as a rogue (gus) carries alot of crap with him i do try and keep it below 500 (i know i'm not being singled out but i do admit my guilt in this)

Re: Inventory Size

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:14 pm
by ForsakenPlague
Hey guys and gals,

I know the temptation is to keep your inventory item count up around 450-499, and that the general thought is that it's no small thing to spill over the 500 limit every once in a while. That's somewhat true when the strain on the sever is low, but when you have 15-20 people in one area, and you log off or log in with 500-600 items, it creates severe problems. Case and point, I crashed 5-6 times during today's All Souls Eve event when people logged in or out, thus losing some custom made items I had worked up as loot for people.

Please, keep your inventory count below 500. It makes a ForsakenPlague cry when you don't.


Re: Inventory Size

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:09 am
by Brayon
Been getting a lot of "Player So-n-So's Inventory is overlimit," messages while logged into the DM client lately. Watch how many items you have in your inventory please. Stacks are counted as one Item.