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Arkaz Policy on Server Hop vs. World Hop

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 5:07 pm
by ambrosia
Server Hops
Arkaz, along with the rest of CoPaP, allows you the ability to server hop between intra-world servers after one real life hour. This hour 'represents' a simulation of the time your character spent 'in travel' within the world.

In other words, if you log-off on Iron, you can wait an hour, then log back in to either Isles or Toloria. Or, if you are on Ysgard, you can log off, wait an hour, and log back in to Hala. This is called a Server Hop. This is allowed.

World Hops
It should not be mechanically possible to world-hop. What should happen when you log in to a different world then you log-out of, you should become dominated and receive a message which tells you which world you logged out and which one you should be on. The CoPaP servers exist in their own independent worlds and there is no ooc equivalent travel time to travel to another 'system.' In other words, you are not allowed to log off on Arkaz, wait an hour, then log in on Ysgard. You must ALWAYS travel between CoPaP servers in game.

If you find you are able to world-hop between CoPaP servers, DO NOT DO THIS. You have found an exploit and should report this to the respective world's teams immediately. [see link for the Arkaz policy on Exploits.]

Common Sense (Rule 0) dictates: this means if you are on a CoPaP server which is off-line for whatever reason, you MUST wait for that world to come back online before you can leave that world.

Re: Arkaz Policy on Server Hop vs. World Hop

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:00 pm
by Greg-Pooh
A little clarification on this:

The collected servers of each world (eg. Toloria, Iron, Islands) share a single Character Vault. Regardless of which server you log onto you will have the same characteristics you had the last time you logged out. When you use a portal to travel from one CoPaP world to another your most recent character file is transfered over to that world. If you bypass this process by world hopping the character you log in as may be days or even months out of date. (Depending on the last time you visited that world.) World hopping like this has the potential of wiping out months of playtime for a character. If you hop to one world and then portal back; your current (but outdated) character will over write your existing character in the server vault. I'm sure many cases of corrupted Bics can be traced to things of this nature.

Please refrain from Jumping from world to world without going through the portals. You'll save yourself and the teams a lot of headaches. Also, you're not likely to get much sympathy on a character restore request caused by something like this.

Thanks all, and happy gaming!