Player names
Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:41 pm
Please guys. No stupid names. Seeing a name that breaks one of the rules below breaks immersion for the other players, and thats not a good thing. This is a Role-Playing Server after all, lets try and be unique.
- - generic names/titles, such as Guard, Badger, Commoner, A Small Boy, etc. Using such names can be construed as impersonating an NPC, and since NPCs are the domain of DMs, it can be construed as impersonating a DM. New players who are not familiar with NWN may not realize that a PC with such a name is a player and not a DM, and if a player with such a character griefs a newbie, then it looks very bad for Islands
- names that include or are only made up of punctuation. So names like @ or --- are out. Why? Because while we try to ignore the floaty name as much as possible for PCs, seeing a bunch of punctuation instead of names can really ruin the IC immersion when people play.
- names with titles appended to them. "Karlos Fink" is fine, but "Karlos Fink, Destroyer of Worlds" is not.
- i33tspeak names.
- names written entirely in capital letters.
- 'comedy' names like Hugh Jass, Mike Hunt, Harry Balls, or I.P. Freely.
- names of celebrities, historical figures, and fictional characters. This includes names from books, television, movies, cartoons, anime, and comics/manga.