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Arkaz Wiki Timeline

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:01 pm
by renard5
Hello, I'm trying to calculate the age of some of my characters.

I'm aware of three systems that are used:
1) The in-game clock, which says it is currently Dec 22nd, 2271. This is similar to the Avlis clock, but on Avlis it is currently July 6th, 2249. I believe the clocks have been running off of different ratios since July 9th, 2010, when Avlis switched over to a 3:1 time ratio, instead of the older June 13th, 2005 time ratio of 15:1.
2) The second, simplified, and uncorroborated by any other system, is to use InnRoom time, where one week in RL is equals 1 month IG.
3) And the third system, the one I am specifically trying to sort out here, is the Timeline listed on the Arkaz Wiki. This timeline has not been updated since July 31st, 2011. It last lists the "Yamman Arda portal move" of year 364.

To the best of my knowledge, it is my understanding that Arkaz has it's own reckoning of time, both in terms of it's start date being much younger than Avlis, and that the flow of time itself is less consistent in its rate, being dictated by the plot. This makes the 1st system I listed, absolutely useless. :lol:

The second system is interesting, but I doubt accurate to the 3rd. I know that the "Landa and the Dreamcatcher" events of year 363, transpired in Fall 2010, and Winter 2011. If that was in year 363 and we go by Inn Room time, then Arkaz would be somewhere around the year 384.

But if the year is fudged based on plot events, and doesn't adhere to a consistent 4.3:1 ratio, then maintaining updates to the Arkaz Wiki Timeline becomes crucial for anyone attempting to reference the passage of time in their character's life. Presuming some of this information may already be available team-side, would it be possible to have an update made to the Arkaz Wiki Timeline for players to see and make reference to? Failing that, how close does the Inn Room time system come to mirroring the progression of years for Arkaz's story?

Re: Arkaz Wiki Timeline

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:03 pm
by Zandel2
I would say that Terry will really have to answer this, however I would caution against trying to tie your characters age too closely to a timeline based on any system. It will likely never work. Many human characters that you have known forever would be long dead. At a 15 to 1 ratio after 6 years of playing, a human that started at 17 would be 107 and still look young. We don't want to force players to age their characters out, so a certain amount of ignoring the time progression is necessary. That is not to say you can't play your character as old if you choose to, just realize that the other characters around you that have been around as long may choose to ignore age completely. As for updating the timeline, one of the team members that has been around longer than me would have to take that on.

Re: Arkaz Wiki Timeline

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:40 pm
by terryrayc
Yes we should keep the timeline updated. Work together and try and figure out how long events took. While it's not required to list everything that happens, keeping the major events list should be a must.

As for character age, I tend to think we should keep those separate. Characters do not age, which is good because we'd have a lot of old dead characters.

Re: Arkaz Wiki Timeline

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:51 pm
by einnoc
answer to renard5:

Honestly.. Arent you a bit fussy over bagatels, enjoy the game, some people spend there free time to keep it up.
This game is free to play, Its not like World of Warcraft, where millions of dollars can hire people, to keep all updated.

Im humble and apriciate all the work the DM teams is doing of free will. my deepest respect to you all.