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Merging Items
Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:39 pm
by Daemona
I have a character that received an amulet from the Yule quest. She also has an amulet or Olyrn and both can be merged. The question is can she take an amulet and merge it with both amulets?
Re: Merging Items
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:55 am
by Brayon
If I am reading the question correctly, you need a different amulet for each to merge with.
Re: Merging Items
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:16 pm
by Greg-Pooh
If you mean merge two amulets together and then take the result and try to merge it into a third amulet, I don't think that will work.
Re: Merging Items
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:25 pm
by Daemona
That is exactly what I meant GP. Take a plus 2 ammy of wisdon and merge it with the Yule one to have it plus 2 wisdom and the properties of the yule amulet. Then take that amulet and merge it with the Olyrn amulet and add its skill bonus to the end product. The end result would have the property of all three amulets.
Re: Merging Items
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:17 pm
by Brayon
Wouldn't work in that way, because the Merge Script wont merge Plot Items.
Re: Merging Items
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:32 pm
by Daemona
Thank you for the replies. It was more curiosity than intent.
Re: Merging Items
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:42 pm
by Brayon
Not a problem.
Though, I might hold another session for Trade offs for Yule gifts this year.
Re: Merging Items
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:32 pm
by Zombie
ooooo, that would be handy
Re: Merging Items
Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:46 am
by Dull Fred
OOC .. very odd ...... my mergeable Yule item seems to have spontaneously de-merged and lost the original item. I had a Yule belt merged with a belt of intellect.
Anyone else had this?
Re: Merging Items
Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:50 pm
by Shiba_Ujimitsu
I had it happen as well with some Yule boots from the prior year.