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Single level in class permitted or not ?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:52 pm
by demonlady
So I have this character of mine that I gave some months ago a level in the Rogue class.
As I had no intention to ever take another level in the class for her I asked a DM (forgot who) if doing so was ok.
The reply was along the lines of 'Sure, you're not gaining special abilities like Evasion from it, so it's not a problem'.

Then recently I spoke to Brayon who said to me: 'It's not allowed. There has been a discussion about it on the boards, Team side'.
Which of course was quite a surprise for me.
Based on the above I assumed it would be no issue for non-prestige classes.

So, the question now is: is it a problem or not ?
Because if it is I'll likely want that level in Rogue class removed.

Re: Single level in class permitted or not ?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 2:33 pm
by Zandel2
Posted team side for discussion.

Re: Single level in class permitted or not ?

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:28 pm
by Zandel2
Powergaming is discouraged on Arkaz but not strictly against the rules unless the team deems it severe and/or repetitive. Taking 1 level of a class for purely mechanical reasons is considered power gaming though not severe enough that the team will take action. Taking one level of a class for good IC reasons is fine, as is taking it for both IC and mechanical reasons. If you take 1 level of a class, please make an effort to RP that class appropriately. The Arkaz team have no desire to act as build police, and frown on players acting as build police with each other, please give your fellow players the benefit of the doubt on their builds and treat each other with respect.

Re: Single level in class permitted or not ?

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:27 pm
by Zombie
I was allowed to take a LV in rogue at lv 40 with Bel, I did ask in advance as I was getting close to the LV, as she wanted to be able to use wands.

Re: Single level in class permitted or not ?

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:44 pm
by Zandel2
Thank you Zombie, someone is always welcome to do that, but we don't want to give people the impression its required. As long as people follow the guidelines above, its fine.