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Spellhooking & new hak

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:14 am
by mhogar
If I did everything correctly you should see no new bugs added. But I did copy/rename/delete code.

The thing that you should see is one added debug statement while casting a spell, make a scroll or craft a wand:
the code wrote:<character name> casting <spell name>
<character name> casts <spell name>
New spellhooking code triggered
If you don't see the line "New spellhooking code triggered" please post it here straight away, because then I missed a spell.

And now we can hunt for existing bugs in spells. Please post them here as well.
If it turns out to be an enhancement request then I'll put it on the backlog to be done at a later stage.

So happy bug hunting,
fixed bugs wrote:- disintegrate: made fort save, but still max damage
- disintegrate: 1d6 / level up to 40 => 2d6 / level up to 20
- changeling polymorph ability not working
- share spell is broken ... (still doesn't work all the time)
fixed bugs awaiting deployment wrote:-
bugs wrote:-
enhancement requests wrote:- query the remaining duration of spells

Re: Spellhooking & new hak

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:38 pm
by demonlady
I noticed one really weird thing: After my lvl 27 wizard/palemaster 11 put Energy Immunity (Fire) on my Mummy Lord (from the epic spell Mummydust) I expected it to be immune to fire.

However, it still took damage from it as follows:
- Fire damage dealt by something is say 30 points.
- Message appears saying 30 points of fire damage is resisted.
- SECOND message appears saying it inflicted 30 fire damage on mummy.

I *suspect* this has something to do with vulnerability to fire, but seriously: 100% fire immunity should be just that.
Not sure if this needs to fix the spell or something else.

I also assume the problem also exists with creatures vulnerable to other elements.

Re: Spellhooking & new hak

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:12 pm
by Tel
Mummys take +50% fire damage. So applying -100% fire damage (maximum effect for elemental immunity) you end up with -50% fire damage.

request, is there a way to have a "beneficial effects" report where you could see how much longer your spell currently have on durations (like checking craftxp)? So you don't run into a fight and oops there went flame weapon/GMW (or any of the other spells that don't always seem to overwrite durations very well)

Re: Spellhooking & new hak

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:36 pm
by mhogar
Tel wrote: request, is there a way to have a "beneficial effects" report where you could see how much longer your spell currently have on durations (like checking craftxp)? So you don't run into a fight and oops there went flame weapon/GMW (or any of the other spells that don't always seem to overwrite durations very well)
.. no idea if it is possible ...

Re: Spellhooking & new hak

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 7:26 pm
by Daemona
Using the gate spell and summoning an archon is not working correctly. If you instruct the summons to cast all buffing spells on themselves or you, the archon casts one spell and stops.

Re: Spellhooking & new hak

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:11 am
by terryrayc
mhogar wrote:
Tel wrote: request, is there a way to have a "beneficial effects" report where you could see how much longer your spell currently have on durations (like checking craftxp)? So you don't run into a fight and oops there went flame weapon/GMW (or any of the other spells that don't always seem to overwrite durations very well)
.. no idea if it is possible ...
Maybe, but it'd probably be laggy.