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Apologies Karaan, Athena, Bivrip, Breuffi, Bran, Arglebargle

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 5:59 am
by Rudiki
I posted this on the Ysgard boards, but re-posting here in case people missed it there:

It's been a rough week because my sister's great cat (who was an invaluable part of her medical team) has been very ill, plus the new puppy is wonderful but a LOT of work, so I was really tired and worried and I totally forgot to log out after the Tower meeting Thursday night. I'm writing this Friday night/Saturday morning at around 1:00 A.M., so Lexy was IG at the Tower for about 24 hours without benefit of handler until I just now noticed. So when the above-mentioned folks sent me tells I rudely did not answer them, because I wasn't there and didn't know Lexy was logged on. I'm really sorry, you guys! I was not ignoring you! DOH!

Also, a dire diagnosis got changed tonight so if this latest vet is right the cat will make a full recovery, which is such a relief!

Again, SORRY!

Re: Apologies Karaan, Athena, Bivrip, Breuffi, Bran, Arglebargle

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 10:47 am
by diermace3
That is no problem, real life comes first and I am pleased to hear the good news about the cat, as for being logged on but not really here that describes me perfectly :P


Re: Apologies Karaan, Athena, Bivrip, Breuffi, Bran, Arglebargle

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 4:01 pm
by Commander Morgan
I just assumed it was because Bivrip is green and widdly. Best wishes for real life. ;)

Re: Apologies Karaan, Athena, Bivrip, Breuffi, Bran, Arglebargle

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 4:54 pm
by Tel
no apology required! I assumed something had come up and one thing lead to another with you not responding