Looking for some input for my class at school....
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:09 pm
I'm teaching an article called "Scientific Habits of Mind in Virtual Worlds," which basically makes an argument for the kinds of reasoning skills, team-building skills, and so forth that people gain from playing online RPGs. Their test case in the article is WOW, but I'd love to show my students some of the discussions I've seen on these forums, especially if it involves a lot of logic, particularly mathematical calculations, or if it involves discussions of lore or party dynamics. I'm going to look on my own, but if you have favorite discussions I can share with them, I'd love to have them linked here. If you have something in your private messages that would be a FOIG and can't be posted here, you can PM them to me to share with my students. (They're high school students who are taking the course for freshman English college credit, by the way.)
Also, if you have comments about what you think you've learned from playing, I'd love to have that.
If you can find the time to help me out, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
See you IG soon, I hope!
Also, if you have comments about what you think you've learned from playing, I'd love to have that.
If you can find the time to help me out, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
See you IG soon, I hope!