Cleaning up the mess after the crash - phase 2
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 9:25 am
So now that we restored characters via Hala, we would also like to restore xp to characters that never left Arkaz. So let me know in a pm your baordname, gamespy, character name, current xp + levels after the crash and xp + levels you had before the crash. Also let is know if you play in US, Euro or Aussie timezone so that we can route it to an appropriate dm.
After a quick review a dm will contact you for an xp cookie. Just make sure that you take the same levels and skills again that you lost.
On behalf of the team,
After a quick review a dm will contact you for an xp cookie. Just make sure that you take the same levels and skills again that you lost.
On behalf of the team,