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Everyone Read this about the Server Update!

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 2:00 am
by Zerub
Okay, our backup is going to be a couple of months old which means that you could lose things, you could gain things or you could stay the same.

First of all, I want to warn you not to withdraw or put anything in the bank as of yet. Please just don't visit it for a few days. The bank will be updated and then it will be current up until Sept 23rd. When that gets done then you can visit it. If you know of discrepancies, then let me know. If you withdrew or added between Sep 23 and Oct 1 (when the server went down) then please let me know on that. If you withdrew and went off world then that would be duping your gold and is a bannable offense if you do not report it. If you put gold in then you would lose it and we want to take care of that.

Also, if you have items, crafting XP etc that you have a log of then let me know. We will see what we can do. If it is minor crafting XP or items, then please refrain from reporting all of that. We cannot take care of everything, but if you have a major item(s) of some sort or you lost major XP, etc, then we will see what we can do.

We are all very sorry for this, but sometimes things happen. We want to make them as right as we can. Thanks for your patience.


Re: Everyone Read this about the Server Update!

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:25 am
by mhogar
Actually: don't do anything that involves the database: storage, p-merchants, crafting, bank and so until we have an idea what to do. So for now keep everything on your character. (and don't gather too much to overload your character)


Re: Everyone Read this about the Server Update!

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 5:17 pm
by Zerub

If you feel that your bank account is wrong, please contact the team. We have bank account totals up until September 23rd. The current backup was on July 30th, so if you withdrew or deposited money between July 30th and September 23rd, then your current bank account will be wrong.

If you withdrew or deposited gold between September 23rd and October 1st, your account would be wrong. If you did this then please let us know so that it can be taken care of. If you withdrew gold between September 23rd and October 1st then your account will still have that gold in it which would be a dupe, please let the team know so that we can take care of this problem. On contrary if you deposited gold in that time, then we also need to take care of that because you will have lost that gold and we want to make sure that you get it back.

We may not be able to get your account to the exact amount that it should be, but we can get it very, very close. Please check your bank account and make sure that it looks alright and if you feel that it is wrong, then contact the team via PM. (Send it to the team account or to me Zerub).

On behalf of the team.

Re: Everyone Read this about the Server Update!

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:27 pm
by Akai
mhogar wrote:Actually: don't do anything that involves the database: storage, p-merchants, crafting, bank and so until we have an idea what to do. So for now keep everything on your character. (and don't gather too much to overload your character)

Just double-checking that it is ok to use storage & such now?

Re: Everyone Read this about the Server Update!

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:37 pm
by Zerub
Yes. You are good on things now.