Magic:Spell Format
School ( Subschool ) [ Descriptors ]
Level: Caster Level
Innate Level: Level the spell is countered using universal counter spells
Component(s): V (Verbal), S (Somatic), M (Material), F (Focus) and DF (Divine Focus).
Casting Time: The time required to cast a spell.
Range: Maximum distance from the character at which the spell can affect a target.
Target: Lists the number of creatures, dimensions, volume, weight, and so on, that the spell affects.
Duration: How long the spell lasts.
Counter(s): Additional counter spells
Saving Throw: Whether a spell allows a save, what type, and the effect.
Spell Resistance: Does spell resistance (SR) resists this spell.
Metamagic: Metamagic feats you can use with this spell
Energy Substitution: Yes or No
Descriptive Text - This portion of the spell description details what the spell does and how it works -
- Cleric ( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )
- Druid ( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 )