Island of Nuvar

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Island of Nuvar
Primary Race Human
Population 8850
Primary Export Food
Town Guards
Standing Army, Navy


Nuvar is the largest of the islands and has several human settlements. The first island to be settled, Nuvar boasts a handful of hamlets and villages as well as a small town. The island also boasts several ports. The island's main business is farming and crops are exported to many of the other islands. The climate of Nuvar is warm throughout the year, though a recent incident turned the weather cold and snowy for a time.

The deep forests of Nuvar provide a home for a large amount of wildlife, some of it quite dangerous. Much of Nuvar is covered in forests, and Nuvar has several druidic groves and druidic sites upon its land. The most well known is the Circle of Stones, a holy site of Dertmore watched over by a druid named William.

Also, tribes of goblins, bugbears, and even minotaurs carve out their own territories and are hostile to any who encounter them. The most notorious group of goblins is led by a winged goblin named Bronk, and is responsible for many attempted thefts and plots against the nearby town of Nuvar.

The Town of Nuvar's docks, on the Southern tip of the island, is where visitors normally first arrive. Because of this, most people can be found either in the town itself. Currently, other islands are less populated. Nuvar is considered the travel hub of the Islands of Arkaz and the Town of Nuvar is its official capital.

Primary Settlements

Boasting of three thriving settlements, a small hunting encampment, and plenty of land to explore, Nuvar has all a young adventurer needs to begin their journey to greatness.

The Town of Nuvar is the largest settlement and home of the islands government. Port LeVallon is a major trading port and Heroes Walk is a small village made up of retired adventurers.

Leadership and Laws

The island is run by a ruling counsel. Each town has it's own leadership, Nuvar being run by a mayor. The current mayor of Nuvar is [Suna Willdendt]. The [Laws of Nuvar] are publicly posted, and aimed towards the general good of Nuvar rather then a strict system.

See Also