Port LeVallon

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Port LeVallon
Town Alignment Chaotic Good
Primary Race Human
Population 750
Primary Export Clothes, Food, Livestock, Wood, Ships
People of Note Admiral Richardson
Nuvar Town Guard
Nuvar Army and Nuvar Navy


Port LeVallon is a fairly young city that began its life as a small fishing village along the coast of Nuvar. Since the time of its creation, it has blossomed into a small town which has a wide range of shops and resources, an inn, and several warehouses. LeVallon is also the home of the Nuvar Navy and fleet command.

Port LeVallon has a large dock area. A great variety of boats - fishing boats, navy boats, trade boats, and passenger boats - can be seen claiming harbor there. Citizens can sometimes be viewed on their way to or from the boats dropping gems and other offerings to Pelagia in the water.