Auryna Akhanrye

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Auryna Akhanrye
Class Druid
Race Elf


In game, Auryna is only known as "AJ". A recent arrival to Arkaz, AJ seems to have already made some new friends.

Game: CoPaPoly!

This is the modified version played in game by Gerard, Earaviel, and AJ on July 29, 2008. Please feel free to join the madness!

This off-world game "Bankrupt your Fellow LandHolders by Owning Everything" is an adaptation from the original "Monopoly" Paker Brothers game. The board consists of forty spaces containing twenty-eight properties, three Chance Card spaces, three Common Chest Card spaces, a Luxury Tax space, an Income Tax space, and the four corner squares: GO, Jail, Start Tent, and Go to Jail. In the version shown below, all properties are named after locations in CoPaP.

Tokens used during the above game: Tree of Life, Boots of Speed, Fairy Dragon

Instead of paper money, wood tokens are used. (Actual coins do not change hands, just.. role-play it. Be sure to pick someone to be the Arkaz Banker! ) For dice: use 2d6 from the "roll" menu. When you need to draw a card, draw one from your regular deck and "word substitute".. or.. have the player who is the Arkaz Banker draw all the cards and send you a tell with what it says. Example: "You are hired for an Opera, collect $20!" would be something like: "You are hired for the next bardic event. Collect 20 tokens!"

A player who reaches the Jail space by a direct roll of the dice is said to be "just visiting", and continues normal play on the next turn.

Rules are that of the normal monopoly game or any regular variation - just pick which variation your group wants to play before starting!

Have Fun!

Adapted (CoPaP Edition) Board Layout
Start Tent Innocence Lost
Chance Elemental Dungeon
Gray Waste
Nagritch Airship Docks
Mirtho Rest
Order of the Way
Go To Jail
Town of Nuvar
   CoPaPoly    Bastion
Heroes' Walk
Common Chest Common Chest
Port Levallon
Grubbins Port
Visimontium Portal Hub
Elf Gate
Elysia Towers
      Mt. Crescetoria
Humphrey's Emporium
Luxury Tax
(Pay $75)
Forest of Midnight
      Nightfang Mountain
Jail/Just Visiting       Chance    Mikona Wharves
Income Tax
(Pay 10% or $200)
   Common Chest    GO
Collect $200
Fort Karr
Hills of Tummult
Ice Caves
New Murrandith
Old Murrandith